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Five reasons to put on your boots and go for a walk.

Five reasons to put on your boots and go for a walk.

The Greenfield Collection |

Those warm summer days with picnics on the beach have been replaced with cold mornings. The nights are drawing in and, more often than not, there is a lack of enthusiasm to go and explore the outdoors.

But you’ll be missing out! So, here are five reasons why packing up a nice warm flask of tea, putting on your boots and getting out to enjoy the fresh Autumn air can boost your mood.

  1. Stress relief. Being surrounded by nature can help you be more present in the moment. By putting technology down, going for a walk, and taking a moment to focus on your surroundings you’ll help improve your overall wellbeing and give your mind a chance to unwind.
  2. Improve your sleep. Being tired can make the day a struggle. Walking for just 20 minutes a day can help you to drift off to sleep more easily. It can also improve the quality of your sleep, so you wake up feeling energized and ready for the day ahead.
  3. You’ll feel happier! When you get moving, your body releases endorphins. These peptides help to make you feel more positive and increase your energy levels, reducing stress, tension, and negative emotions. Even getting out for a quick walk is a brilliant way to improve your mood.
  4. Connect with new people. This last couple of years have been isolating and lonely for many. Joining a walking group can help you meet likeminded people to go and explore the outdoors with. Countryfile has a great guide to finding a group near you.
  5. Let the light in. As the winter darkness creeps in, so can Season Affective Disorder (SAD ), which puts many at risk of low mood and depression. Walking outside in the daylight increases serotonin levels and can help to keep depression at bay. Just a few minutes can help – so try and get that lunchtime walk in!

What are you waiting for? Put on those wellies, go for a walk, and immerse yourself in the great outdoors!

If you are struggling with your mental health, head over to the Mind website for more information on where to find help and support.